Here is the article written by Seth Livingstone, a reporter for USA Today Sports. You can find the actual article and picture of the quilt on his blog at USA Today. But I'm posting the article and I'll upload the picture.
SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. -- Pick up Tuesday's USA Today to read all about two of baseball's budding stars, brothers B.J. and Justin Upton. I recently had the chance to speak to the Uptons and their parents -- Yvonne and Manny. The parents go out of their way to divide their time equally when it comes to spending time with their sons and watching games on TV (an all-night prime-time undertaking when Tampa Bay and Arizona both play at home) and in person. That's one reason Yvonne Upton was so excited about her new quilt (the family has several specially-made baseball-themed quilts) that she received prior to her trip to Arizona last week. Her new quilt gives B.J., a center fielder for the Rays, and Justin, a right fielder for the Diamondbacks, equal billing. Designed by her friend, Kim Brinsfield of Virginia Beach, Va., Yvonne's salute to her sons' major league status is 56 1/2 x 72 inches and took more than two months to produce. With Yvonne’s name across the center, it features the names of both players, the blue and white Tampa Bay team colors and logo on the top half, and red, tan and black Arizona scheme on the bottom. It’s cotton on the front side, a fluffy polyester blend on the back. “I had it made special,” says Yvonne Upton, “and it is really nice.” Hey, until the MVP trophies come along, quilts will have to do.
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